We are not intended to go through life or our growth in Christ alone! 1 Thessalonians 5:11 tells us to “encourage one another and build one another up”. This is why we need to meet together as men of God, to support one another and do with many what one can’t do on their own.
Where are you in your Christian walk? Chances are you are not where you want to be. We need to partner with one another, continually learning what God has to say, what He has directed us to do, and who He has commanded us to be. To do this, we need a crew of men.
So what is a crew and why should you have one?
A crew is a group of guys working together to help grow spiritual disciplines in one other. These disciplines include Bible intake, prayer, worship, evangelism, service, stewardship, fasting, silence and solitude, journaling, and learning. The work we do with each other serves to live out commands we are are given (Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Timothy 2:2, 3:16; 1 Peter 3:15 ). We know from scripture that as the gospel spread it was not due to a single individual. Paul didn’t work alone. Peter didn't work alone. The Apostles and leaders in the first century church were not lone individuals going their own way. They did it together. They were a crew working on living what Jesus taught and commanded to do. They worked as Romans 12:4-5 describes as individuals with varying talents to serve the whole, which is Christ and His mission.
What makes a for a good crew are two key things: varied experience & knowledge and the desire to learn & grow. A group of guys with a will to meet regularly and put their minds to knowing God is how we work out the wisdom God gives. Don’t feel you know enough to get in a crew? You need a crew. Have you been studying the Bible for years? You need a crew. Working out God’s will and calling on your life? You need a crew.
So how do you get a crew or start a crew? We will help you. Simply take the first step and let us know you want to be part of a crew by sending us your information below.
Get with a Crew! Complete the GROW Crew Connect Form.
Ready to grow in your discipleship? Take a minute and send us your information.