Preschool Junction is where the greatest gospel adventure begins.
9:00am & 10:30am
at the Smyrna Campus
9:00am, & 10:45am
at the Stewarts Creek Campus
8:10am, 9:30am, & 10:50am
at the Riverdale Campus
at the College Grove Campus
Kidventure Preschool brings the best of worship through the Word in large group and small group formats, worship through music and organized activities.
Birth–5 Year Olds meets 6:30–8:00pm in the Preschool Hallway *Only available at the Smyrna & Riverdale Campuses.
Each week your preschooler will learn the FOUR GOSPEL TRUTHS.
Not quite sure where to go?
Stop by the Preschool Guest Check-in and we would love to help you and your preschooler(s) find your way.
Upcoming Preschool Events

Want to serve in Preschool?
Help make a difference in preschoolers’ lives.

Having a baby soon?
We would like to celebrate with you! If you would like a minister to visit you at the hospital or at home please let us know.

Connection Crew - Special Needs Ministry at the Smyrna and Stewarts Creek Campus
This individualized program will feature full inclusion with our children’s and student programs (when possible) and use a peer & adult buddy system.
Parents Day Out – CLC
The Creative Learning Center is a Christ-centered program designed to offer a comfortable first step into the world of group education for young children. CLC is an integral part of the preschool ministry of LifePoint Church at the Smyrna Campus.
Are you a Mother of a Preschooler?
We welcome you, a mother of a preschooler (Birth through Pre-K), to a community of moms called MOPS. You will find encouragement, support, relevant teaching, and opportunities to develop relationships with other women who are in the same season of life.
Interested in becoming a paid Childcare Worker?
When we host ministry events outside of Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, we often offer childcare. If you love ministering to kids and would also like to get paid for this time please apply below.

Meet the Preschool Team
If you have any questions about LifePoint Preschool please email michelle@lifept.org.