LifePoint’s 6th–12th Grade Ministry

Teaching students, developing leaders, and equipping parents in order to make disciples that find life in Christ and live sent in the world.




Smyrna & Stewarts Creek
Campus Students

Middle School
6:30–8:00pm in the HUB

High School
7:00–8:30pm in the HUB

506 Legacy Dr
Smyrna, TN 37167

Campus Students

Middle & High School
6:30–8:00pm in the Auditorium

307 Warrior Drive
Murfreesboro, TN 37128

Redemption City Students

Middle & High School
6:30–8:00pm in the Auditorium

415 Franklin Rd
Franklin, TN 37069


Following worship, which lasts about an hour, students meet in small groups to further dive into God’s word and discuss what they heard in the sermon.



Middle School

Students are encouraged to attend the 1st worship gathering. Then, attend Engage, our Sunday morning environment where students are equipped to serve the world (10:30am at the Smyrna & Riverdale Campuses. 9:00am at the Stewarts Creek Campus).

High School

High School Discipleship Groups meet during the 9:00am service. 11th & 12th Grade Students, who are also in a Discipleship Group, are encouraged to attend one of the worship services in the Auditorium and serve in MaxImpact the other hour. MaxImpact is one of the ways that we actively involve students in living sent.

Register to serve.


Upcoming Events



To the Ends Of the Earth

Following Jesus is not just about being forgiven of your sin and feeling good because you’re right with God. When God frees us from our sin, He also commissions us to carry the message of His forgiveness to friends, family, and strangers all across the world.

In this series, as we look at different important moments of the early church in the book of Acts, we’ll be reminded of the urgency of the mission God has given us – to share the good news of God’s love to the ends of the Earth.


Upcoming Student Sending Trips

Boyton Beach







Want to serve
in Students?

Help make a difference in 6th–12th Graders’ lives.


All Student Volunteers must do the following before serving:

  1. Be a Member of LifePoint Church

  2. Complete the Serve Form

  3. Meet with one of our Student Ministers

  4. Complete Ministry Safe Training

  5. Complete Background Check

  6. Read and Sign off on Student Ministry Policies


Meet the Student Team

Contact for more information.

Brussels Campus

Secondary aged students meet every Friday from 19:00-21:00 for games, snacks and worship.

Bangkok Campus

Currently there is no meetings for the students ministry at our Bangkok Campus.