What can you expect from GROW?

What does it look like when God is working in your life? If you were to ask a number of guys you would get different answers:

  • “I see my family differently and how I serve them has changed.”

  • “My life in and out of the church building has gotten more consistent.”

  • “I am less [SOMETHING] or more [SOMETHING] than I used to be.”

The bottom line is there are noticeable differences. The impact Christ makes in you becomes a tool He uses for others:

  • Your family looks to you with confidence as their primary spiritual leader and guide.

  • Your brothers in Christ lean on you, and you on them, as worthy partners in ministry.

  • The church has many biblically-grounded men prepared to raise up generations of believers.

What actions do you need to take?

Paul tells us about the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. These aren’t actions you create but outcomes God generates in you. If the fruit of the Spirit are outcomes, what are the actions we need to take? Romans 12 is a call to arms for men to step out of lives that are tired from the world and be transformed by God’s word, wisdom, and love.

  • Give God your body, mind, and will (Romans 12:1-2)

  • Repeat what is good (Romans 12:9-13)

  • Overcome with grace and mercy (Romans 12:14-21)

  • Work out your gifts with your brothers (Romans 12:3-8)


What if I have successfully failed trying to study before on my own?

Let's be honest, learning the Bible is not easy. This is why a crew is crucial and supporting resources are important.

I have never been much of a reader and not sure how to get past that. Any thoughts?

You are not alone, but praise God for technology! Audiobooks, audio Bibles, podcasts, and other resources are available to kickstart your learning. Learning makes us growing disciples. When we know more about God, we know God more. 

My life seems like it is already full. Where do I find the time?

We are notorious for full schedules and we can be like a pinball in a pinball machine at times. So what do we suggest to counter an already busy life? Just get started and get with a crew. Give God glory by giving Him your time!

Can I change crews to learn with new guys?

Yes, but. Creating new relationships is key to building a bigger community of trusted brothers. We suggest working thru a full GROW Path first, completing study in each section. This will keep you with a crew approximately a year.

Do all crews have to study the same thing?

No. The diversity of study will give us a good range of knowledge as our men’s ministry grows.

My schedule stinks but I want to study and connect! What can I do?

You are likely not alone. If Covid has taught us anything it is that there is more than one way to accomplish to accomplish something. Submit the Crew Connect form and let’s figure out a solution for you.

Can I go through a path and study on my own?

GROW is about both learning as a disciple and having a community of men to support each other. Yes, you can study and worship Jesus on your own but we want you to experience the kind of growth that only comes through brotherhood in Christ.

What if I'm already in one of the on-campus classes?

Great! We want all LifePoint Men learning and discussing what the Lord is revealing. When a class ends and you want to join a crew, we will help you get connected. If you want to do both the class and be in a crew, go for it!

Can a crew mix and match studies from different paths to create their own path?

You sure can! The key to each path is having a G,R,O, and W item to study.

I think I’d like to lead a crew. What do I need to do?

Let your campus leader know your interest to lead a crew so conversations can take place. We would like everyone to go through a full path in a crew prior to leading a crew to grow in your study and give us time to equip you to lead.