Sundays in LifePoint Kids
9:00am & 10:30am
at the Smyrna Campus
9:00am, & 10:45am
at the Stewarts Creek Campus
8:10am, 9:30am, & 10:50am
at the Riverdale Campus
10:00am at the College Grove Campus
On Sundays, your kids will experience BaseCamp. BaseCamp has been created to lead kids to worship Jesus through the Word of God and song in a large group format, provide community and accountability in life groups, and let them strengthen relationships with their friends and leaders through recreation. The ministry environment touches on nine essentials that are critical to help kids find life and mature in their faith so they can proclaim the truth and multiply them in others.
Not quite sure where to go?
Stop by the Kids Guest Check-in and we would love to help you and your kid(s).

Wednesdays in LifePoint Kids
The Greatest Adventure in Life
Begins and Ends with Jesus.
K-5th Grade meets 6:30-8:00pm
in the Kids Hallway
*Only available at the Smyrna & Riverdale Campuses.
On Wednesday nights during the school year, kids experience a fun adventure in learning more about Jesus. Kidventure is a high-energy ministry environment connecting kids to God’s Word, their leaders, and their friends. We have a blast with special event nights and crazy dress up nights throughout the year.
Kids tell us all the time that Wednesday nights are their favorite night of the week.

Upcoming Kids Events

Are your kids asking questions about what it means to follow Jesus?
Want to serve
in Kids?
Help make a difference in K–5th Graders’ lives.

Brussels Campus
Sundays: Kids Club
Kids Club is for ages birth-10 years old. This takes place on Sunday mornings during worship. The children create a craft relating to the weekly bible lesson taught.
Bangkok Campus
Sundays: 10:30am
Sunday School takes place during Sunday Worship at 10:30. For babies 0 to 5 years old, we do a simple Bible story and craft. The 5-12 year olds have their own class together.