Nations Night
Join us on March 30, 2025 from 5:00–6:30pm for a night of prayer for the nations and our sent ones.
Join us on March 30, 2025 from 5:00–6:30pm for a night of prayer for the nations and our sent ones.
LifePoint Church Smyrna Campus
*No Preschool or Kids Ministry at 7:45am
*No Preschool or Kids Ministry at 7:45am
*Family Gathering
*No Preschool or Kids Ministry at 7:45am
Our monthly Women's Gathering is happening on April 24 at 7pm at the Smyrna Campus! Come and worship with us, be blessed by encouraging speakers, and make a new friend. Invite your friends, family, and co-workers. All women, ages 18 and up, are welcome. There is no cost, registration, or childcare for this gathering.
Speaker: Callie Ford
Doors open at 6:30pm.
Worship begins at 7:00pm.
Email Lisa Theriot if you have any questions.
LifePoint wants to invest in marriages; so this fall, we want to help you have regular date nights by offering child care for Birth-5th grade only! This one will be on Saturday night, April 26.
Doors open at 4:30pm.
Pickup is 7:00pm.
The Camp Whatever Golf Scramble will take place May 2 at Old Fort Golf Club.
All proceeds will benefit Camp Whatever.
Register a team [$500 for a team of 4] and/or sign up as a sponsor.
Sponsorship Levels:
Hole Sponsorship - $250 [custom sign at the hole + optional informational table at that hole]
Par 3 Sponsorship - $350 [Provides prize for winner]
Par 5 Sponsorship - $350 [Provides prize for winner]
Food Sponsorship [Beverage Cart] - $500
Food Sponsorship [Breakfast] - $1,000
Food Sponsorship [Lunch] - $1,000
Awards Sponsorship - $500 [Includes Custom Sign at Hole]
Silver Sponsorship - $3,500 [Includes 1 team registration + 2 custom banners at clubhouse]
Gold Sponsorship - $7,000 [Includes 2 team registrations, 3 custom banners at the clubhouse, information on all carts, and sponsor table at Hole #1]
7:00am - Registration Opens
8:00am - Shotgun Start
Lunch & Awards after the round of golf is completed
Deadline to register a team is April 30
Deadline to register as a sponsor and have a hole sign made is April 24
Calling all graduating seniors and families! We want to bring you before the church to be recognized at both services on Sunday, May 4 to celebrate this great accomplishment. More detailed information for each campus will be provided via confirmation email. We look forward to seeing you there!
We would also like to invite seniors and their families to join us for a meal as we celebrate!
Smyrna and Stewarts Creek Seniors and their families are invited to a dinner in the Smyrna Campus HUB on May 3 at 5:00pm.
Riverdale Seniors and their families are invited to a breakfast in the Riverdale Family Room on May 4 at 8:00am.
Caleb will be in contact with Redemption City Seniors about their celebration!
Please register by April 17.
Brand new to church.
Brand new to LifePoint Church.
Been attending for a while but yet to connect in a group or serving.
Desire a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the purpose and mission of LifePoint.
You want to become a member.
If you resonate with any of these your first step is to register.
Smyrna Campus: 10:30–12:00pm
Stewarts Creek Campus: 10:45–12:15pm
Riverdale Campus: 10:50am–12:15pm
Redemption City Campus: 10:30–12:00pm
Free Food will be provided.
Fun and interactive environment.
Meet some staff and other great people like you.
At the end, we will make it really easy if you want to take another step toward getting connected in any way. This is also the first step toward becoming a member. If nothing else, we hope you will leave with a new friend or two and a much better idea of who LifePoint is and how you can join the church family when you are ready.
Childcare is provided for birth-5th graders through Sunday preschool & kids ministries. 6th-12th graders are welcome and encouraged to attend with their families.
Join us on Tuesday, May 6 at 6:00am for a men's breakfast.
Breakfast will be provided. Please register if you plan to attend.
May 6 | 6am | Smyrna Campus Hub
Saturday, May 17 from 10-11:30am at the Stewarts Creek Campus
Join us for a come and go Mother-Daughter Day as we make flower pots.
Free event. Please register to attend.
All ages of mothers and daughters are welcomed.
Join us on Tuesday, June 3 at 6:00am for a men's breakfast.
Breakfast will be provided. Please register if you plan to attend.
June 3 | 6am | Smyrna Campus Hub
Smyrna, Stewarts Creek, Riverdale, and Redemption City Campuses
Join us on Tuesday, July 1 at 6:00am for a men's breakfast.
Breakfast will be provided. Please register if you plan to attend.
July 1 | 6am | Smyrna Campus Hub
Brand new to church.
Brand new to LifePoint Church.
Been attending for a while but yet to connect in a group or serving.
Desire a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the purpose and mission of LifePoint.
You want to become a member.
If you resonate with any of these your first step is to register.
Smyrna Campus: 10:30–12:00pm
Stewarts Creek Campus: 10:45–12:15pm
Riverdale Campus: 10:50am–12:15pm
Redemption City Campus: 10:30–12:00pm
Free Food will be provided.
Fun and interactive environment.
Meet some staff and other great people like you.
At the end, we will make it really easy if you want to take another step toward getting connected in any way. This is also the first step toward becoming a member. If nothing else, we hope you will leave with a new friend or two and a much better idea of who LifePoint is and how you can join the church family when you are ready.
Childcare is provided for birth-5th graders through Sunday preschool & kids ministries. 6th-12th graders are welcome and encouraged to attend with their families.
Join us on Tuesday, August 5 at 6:00am for a men's breakfast.
Breakfast will be provided. Please register if you plan to attend.
August 5 | 6am | Smyrna Campus Hub
Join us on Tuesday, September 2 at 6:00am for a men's breakfast.
Breakfast will be provided. Please register if you plan to attend.
September 2 | 6am | Smyrna Campus Hub
Brand new to church.
Brand new to LifePoint Church.
Been attending for a while but yet to connect in a group or serving.
Desire a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the purpose and mission of LifePoint.
You want to become a member.
If you resonate with any of these your first step is to register.
Smyrna Campus: 10:30–12:00pm
Stewarts Creek Campus: 10:45–12:15pm
Riverdale Campus: 10:50am–12:15pm
Redemption City Campus: 10:30–12:00pm
Free Food will be provided.
Fun and interactive environment.
Meet some staff and other great people like you.
At the end, we will make it really easy if you want to take another step toward getting connected in any way. This is also the first step toward becoming a member. If nothing else, we hope you will leave with a new friend or two and a much better idea of who LifePoint is and how you can join the church family when you are ready.
Childcare is provided for birth-5th graders through Sunday preschool & kids ministries. 6th-12th graders are welcome and encouraged to attend with their families.
Join us on Tuesday, October 7 at 6:00am for a men's breakfast.
Breakfast will be provided. Please register if you plan to attend.
October 7 | 6am | Smyrna Campus Hub
Join us on Tuesday, November 4 at 6:00am for a men's breakfast.
Breakfast will be provided. Please register if you plan to attend.
November 4 | 6am | Smyrna Campus Hub
Brand new to church.
Brand new to LifePoint Church.
Been attending for a while but yet to connect in a group or serving.
Desire a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the purpose and mission of LifePoint.
You want to become a member.
If you resonate with any of these your first step is to register.
Smyrna Campus: 10:30–12:00pm
Stewarts Creek Campus: 10:45–12:15pm
Riverdale Campus: 10:50am–12:15pm
College Grove Campus: 9:00am–10:00am
Free Food will be provided.
Fun and interactive environment.
Meet some staff and other great people like you.
At the end, we will make it really easy if you want to take another step toward getting connected in any way. This is also the first step toward becoming a member. If nothing else, we hope you will leave with a new friend or two and a much better idea of who LifePoint is and how you can join the church family when you are ready.
Childcare is provided for birth-5th graders through Sunday preschool & kids ministries. 6th-12th graders are welcome and encouraged to attend with their families.
Join us on Tuesday, December 2 at 6:00am for a men's breakfast.
Breakfast will be provided. Please register if you plan to attend.
December 2 | 6am | Smyrna Campus Hub
Join us for Child Dedication Celebration Sunday, during the worship gatherings, in the Auditorium.
Held at all local campuses
Smyrna | 9am & 10:30am
Stewarts Creek | 9am & 10:45am
Riverdale | 8:10am, 9:30am & 10:50am
Redemption City | 9am & 10:45am
Child Dedication is a time for members of LifePoint Church to publicly commit to put God first in your home and to trust in Him as your source of direction as you lead your family. It is also a time for you to share with your closest friends and family what is most important to you and to ask them for their prayers and support.
LifePoint wants to invest in marriages; so this fall, we want to help you have regular date nights by offering child care for Birth- 5th grade only! This one will be on Saturday night, March 22.
Doors open at 4:30pm.
Pickup is 7:00pm.
Our monthly Women's Gathering is happening on March 20 at 7pm at the Smyrna Campus! Come and worship with us, be blessed by encouraging speakers, and make a new friend. Invite your friends, family, and co-workers. All women, ages 18 and up, are welcome. There is no cost, registration, or childcare for this gathering.
Speaker: Tiphanie Stout
Doors open at 6:30pm.
Worship begins at 7:00pm.
Email Lisa Theriot if you have any questions.
Help us welcome home the Haynes family after serving on the field in Europe for the past three years.
Drop by Cafe 1 on March 13 between 10:30am–12:00pm.
Gift Cards for the family are appreciated.
Brand new to church.
Brand new to LifePoint Church.
Been attending for a while but yet to connect in a group or serving.
Desire a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the purpose and mission of LifePoint.
You want to become a member.
If you resonate with any of these your first step is to register.
Smyrna Campus: 10:30–12:00pm
Stewarts Creek Campus: 10:45–12:15pm
Riverdale Campus: 10:50am–12:15pm
Redemption City Campus: 10:30–12:00pm
Free Food will be provided.
Fun and interactive environment.
Meet some staff and other great people like you.
At the end, we will make it really easy if you want to take another step toward getting connected in any way. This is also the first step toward becoming a member. If nothing else, we hope you will leave with a new friend or two and a much better idea of who LifePoint is and how you can join the church family when you are ready.
Childcare is provided for birth-5th graders through Sunday preschool & kids ministries. 6th-12th graders are welcome and encouraged to attend with their families.
Foster Care Panel and Luncheon
Sunday, March 9, 2025 from 1:00-2:30pm in Smyrna Campus HUB (lunch and childcare provided).
Are you interested in learning more about foster care? Join us for lunch and hear from a panel filled with foster and adoptive parents, former foster youth, DCS caseworkers, and more! Take the opportunity to get your questions answered and discover how you can step into the world of foster care.
Join us as we jump into a 4 week study going through Proverbs 31. This is for all women (ages 16 and up) led by Callie Ford.
Stewarts Creek Campus
Beginning March 5
Join us on Tuesday, March 4 at 6:00am for a men's breakfast.
Breakfast will be provided. Please register if you plan to attend.
March 4 | 6am | Smyrna Campus Hub
Stewarts Creek Campus Foster and Adoption Support Ministry Interest Meeting
Monday, March 3, 2025 from 6:00-8:00pm at the Stewarts Creek Campus (dinner and childcare provided).
Foster and adoptive families need our support. Join us for dinner and learn how you can can be a part of LifePoint's Foster and Adoption Support Ministry. Not everyone is called to foster or adopt, but we can all do something to make a difference. It takes a village, and we want you to be a part of it!
Our monthly Women's Gathering is happening on February 27 at 7pm at the Smyrna Campus! Come and worship with us, be blessed by encouraging speakers, and make a new friend. Invite your friends, family, and co-workers. All women, ages 18 and up, are welcome. There is no cost, registration, or childcare for this gathering.
Speaker – Mari Marley
Doors open at 6:30pm.
Worship begins at 7:00pm.
Email Lisa Theriot if you have any questions.
rEcess Special Needs Respite Night
Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 5:00-8:30pm at the Smyrna Campus
Join us for LifePoint’s first rEcess! rEcess is a special needs respite night for the whole family. Special needs families are encouraged to register all of their children for a night of fun. This night is for children experiencing disability, siblings, and their parents.
Follow the steps below to register:
Select “sign up”
Choose "family" and select LifePoint Church.
Fill out the required information.
Then, you will receive an email to confirm the creation of your account.
Login and take a look around my99b.com.
Complete the "Parent Packet" for your child(ren) in one sitting and click save/submit.
This will notify us and we will start the review process with our Medical Professional. Once approved, you'll be able to register for rEcess events!
While you wait for approval, be sure to check out the 99 Balloons "Who We Are" video and the "Our Grief Journey" series under "Resources."Note: Moving forward, you will update this parent packet just once each year, so we have the most up to date info!
Join us on Saturday, February 22 at 8:00am for our final quarterly men's breakfast of the year.
Breakfast will be provided. Please register if you plan to attend.
February 22 | 8am | Stewarts Creek Campus
LifePoint wants to invest in marriages. We want to help you have regular date nights by offering child care! This one will be on Saturday night, February 15. We will gather together first for a short word of encouragement by one of our pastors.
Doors open at 4:30pm.
Pickup is 7:00pm.
Join us for a Royal father daughter dance on Saturday, February 8 from 3:30–6:00pm in the Smyrna campus HUB.
The cost is $20 per family. Please register everyone who will be attending.
This event is intended for anyone filling the role of a Father or strong male influence in the life of a female child ages preschool through 5th grade. Please park and enter through the D entrance.
Sunday, February 2 from 3–5pm in the Smyrna Campus Concourse.
A time for middle school and high school girls to come together for an evening of worship and to hear a message our very own, Amy Goen and Jordan Strickland.
Trucker Hat craft and snacks provided.
Girls from all campuses are invited.
There is no cost for this event, but please register to attend.
Speaker Elizabeth Kea will be teaching through Proverbs 31 & Titus 2. Come join other ladies as we dive into God's word and enjoy community with each other.
We invite all preschool, kids, and student ministry leaders from Smyrna, Stewarts Creek, and Riverdale LifePoint campuses to join us on Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 8:30am–1:00pm at the Smyrna Campus.
As you disciple the next generation, we want to equip you as you do this in your ministry area. This is not a day of policy training, but we a time of equipping you to continue to help the next generation find life in Christ. We hope you will join us on this day as we discuss topics facing us in the Here & Now of discipling the preschoolers, kids, and students in our church. We pray this enriches our service to the future church and is a time of equipping you to better lead in our next-gen ministry areas.
The conference will conclude with lunch with your campus’ ministry area and ministry leader.
Childcare will be available through this registration link for birth - 5th grade only.
LifePoint wants to invest in marriages. We want to help you have regular date nights by offering child care! This one will be on Saturday night, January 18. We will gather together first for a short word of encouragement by one of our pastors.
Doors open at 4:30pm.
Pickup is 7:00pm.
Our monthly Women's Gathering is happening on January 16 at 7pm at the Smyrna Campus! Come and worship with us, be blessed by encouraging speakers, and make a new friend. Invite your friends, family, and co-workers. All women, ages 18 and up, are welcome. There is no cost, registration, or childcare for this gathering.
Speaker – Lisa Theriot
Doors open at 6:30pm.
Worship begins at 7:00pm.
Email Lisa Theriot if you have any questions.
Brand new to church.
Brand new to LifePoint Church.
Been attending for a while but yet to connect in a group or serving.
Desire a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the purpose and mission of LifePoint.
You want to become a member.
If you resonate with any of these your first step is to register.
Smyrna Campus: 10:30am–12:00pm
Stewarts Creek Campus: 10:45am–12:15pm
Riverdale Campus: 10:50am–12:15pm
Redemption City Campus: 9:00am–10:00am
Free Food will be provided.
Fun and interactive environment.
Meet some staff and other great people like you.
At the end, we will make it really easy if you want to take another step toward getting connected in any way. This is also the first step toward becoming a member. If nothing else, we hope you will leave with a new friend or two and a much better idea of who LifePoint is and how you can join the church family when you are ready.
Childcare is provided for birth-5th graders through Sunday preschool & kids ministries. 6th-12th graders are welcome and encouraged to attend with their families.
Gatherings at each local campus.
Smyrna Campus
9:00am & 10:30am
(Family service. Preschool ministry for birth-prek will be available; no kids ministry)
Stewarts Creek Campus
9:00am & 10:45am
(Family service. Preschool ministry for birth-prek will be available; no kids ministry)
Riverdale Campus
9:30am & 10:50am
(Family service. Preschool ministry for birth-prek will be available; no kids ministry)
College Grove Campus
(Family service. No preschool or kids ministry)
Gatherings at each local campus.
The service will include carols, communion, and the lighting of candles.
(Family service. No Preschool, Kids, or Student Ministries)
(Family service. No Preschool, Kids, or Student Ministries)
(Family service. No Preschool, Kids, or Student Ministries)
(Family service. No Preschool, Kids, or Student Ministries)
Christmas Party
Dec 18, 2024
Join us on December 18 at the Smyrna, Riverdale, and College Grove Campuses as we celebrate that our King has come! Students will enjoy an ugly sweater contest, Christmas cookies, and a gingerbread house contest.
Smyrna/Creek Campus: Combined in the HUB 6:30–8:00pm
Riverdale Campus: Riverdale Auditorium 6:30–8:00pm
College Grove: College Grove Artsitorium 6:30–8:00pm
Abide Christmas 2024
December 5, 2024
Smyrna Campus Auditorium
Join us for our Christmas Abide on December 5th from 6-9pm in our Smyrna Campus Auditorium.
We will start our night with delicious desserts, coffee/cocoa, a photo booth and door prizes!! Then at 7:30pm we will move to a time of worship followed by an encouraging message from Rachel Lovingood. Rachel is a gifted author and we have loved hearing her speak every time she has been our guest speaker at Abide.
Bring your co-worker, neighbor, friend and family member to this event. It will be filled with lots of laughs and most importantly, a message about letting our light shine for God!
There is no cost or childcare for this event, but registration is required.
The Presence Retreat is a weekend of intentional discipleship created for High School students who desire to be stretched and challenged in their walk with Christ. We will retreat at Manderley Christian Camp in Pikeville, TN November 22–24, 2024.
There are very limited spots, so once we are full, registration will close!
Schedule for the weekend, packing list, and more information will be sent out closer to time!
Students Gratitude Night
November 20, 2024
Smyrna & Creek Middle School, Riverdale, College Grove: 6:30–8:00pm
Smyrna & Creek High School: 7:00–8:30pm
Students are invited to our Smyrna, Riverdale, and College Grove Campuses as we celebrate all the things the Lord has given us through worship, prayer, and serving with Operation Christmas Child.
At local campuses
Grit is a character quality many men resonate with. It’s something we long to be known by.
At LifePoint, GRIT is a quarterly men’s gathering where guys build real relationships and talk about things that really matter. GRIT helps men to form a band of brothers that have each other's back and encourage one another through the battles of life. No matter where you are in relation to God, we all have a next step to take in order to grow.
GRIT is here to come alongside you. Come check it out. We will meet at the Smyrna Campus at 6:30pm.