5th Fleet is a 2-night discipleship training for completed 5th graders who are moving into middle school as new 6th graders.

This study centers around the armor of God found in Ephesians 6. Our hope throughout the study is for your child to realize that he or she has been given everything they will need to battle and conquer the enemy. We pray that they will move to the next grade confidently as they navigate all of middle school with a clear direction and a biblical perspective.

The Next 5th Fleet

July 29–30, 2024

5th Grade students will be meeting at the Smyrna Campus in C30 while parents will be meeting with the Middle School Minister in D1.

Your student will be fed on July 29 and 30.

We would like to invite parents to join us for dinner at 5:30pm followed by a meeting and an opportunity to join your student for 5th Fleet on July 29 and 30.

If you would like to join us for dinner on the 29 and 30, please make that selection on your registration.

Dear Parents,

LifePoint Kids is so excited to offer you and your 5th grader a discipleship training that will focus on preparing your child for middle school.

Parents, as the primary disciples in your home, we see the importance of your involvement during this 3-day event. We invite you, as parents to attend 5th Fleet and walk alongside your child as we go through this program together.

The world around our kids is constantly changing. The age at which they are being exposed to a constant barrage of worldly sins and moral dilemmas is getting younger. Federal and local government, school systems, curriculum; Entertainment institutions such as Disney, YouTube, and Netflix are all pitching in and trying to advise our children on how they are to live, think, and believe. While navigating all of these voices, our kids are also dealing with the pressures of Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and many more setting up unrealistic expectations for them. It is no wonder with all that is competing for influence over our kids, that many of them are lost, wandering through these formative years without a clear direction.

But what does the Bible say about all of this? Is it truly relevant to the things our kids are dealing with in this day and time? Through this study, your kids will see that there is a clearly defined path for their life, that scripture is true to who they are and what each of them deals with in this very age, and that they have been given every tool needed to combat outside influences and live their life victoriously in Christ. We will not shy away from tough conversations and topics in this class.

As Christians, we are not called to raise our children to be fearful of the world. Instead, we are called to teach, train, and prepare our children for what they will encounter while instilling within them a biblical worldview that will shape how they interact with the world around them.

This study centers around the armor of God found in Ephesians 6. Our hope throughout this study is that your child will realize that he or she has been given everything they will need to battle and conquer the enemy. That they can move to the next grade and navigate all of middle school with a clear direction and a biblical perspective. Below is the outline for our 3-day study.

Hosted at the LifePoint Church Smyrna Campus
July 23, July 24, & July 25 | 5:30–7:30pm

Important note: Dinner will be provided beginning at 5:30pm for those that register and select that they would like dinner to be provided. 5th Fleet programming will begin at 6:00pm.

Day 1 - July 23, 2023
Knowing your enemy - (NO PARENTS)

Before we can begin discussing the tools that God has given us to be effective against our enemy. We need to first define our enemy. In this first session, we will define who Satan is and what schemes are at his disposal. We will discuss the different names attributed to him throughout scripture and how insight into his tactics allows us to recognize various traps he sets up for us along the way. Satan, devil, slanderous, Lucifer, tempter, ruler of the world, prince of power of the air/darkness, accuser, father of lies are all names for satan that we find in scripture.

What do they each mean?

How does this give us insight into how he works and what makes him so effective?

Day 2 - July 24, 2023
Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Shoes of Peace (WITH PARENTS)

There is a specific battle Christians face every day and it is rooted in the schemes of the devil and his efforts to deceive us. In this session, we will take a look at the first 2 tools mentioned in Ephesians 6. Knowing that satan uses deception, it is no accident that the belt of truth is the first tool mentioned. Satan can not operate in an area of integrity.

The belt of truth is essential to the core strength and without it the other pieces will be too heavy and be of no use. Many Christians today do not have a strong core belief system that governs their lives.

Today, we hope to change that. Without concrete allegiance to real truth - we are left weak and susceptible to things that may look right and sound right, yet actually are not.

Righteousness literally means: upright living that aligns with the expectations of God. A key part of our defense of the enemy is right living. Every day, those who dawn the breastplate of righteousness will make decisions that align with God’s expectations. Unrighteousness is ultimately what will allow the enemy to have a greater influence on our life. When we do not line our choices, behaviors, and actions with scripture, we lose our opportunity to truly deflect the enemy’s advances. The enemy wants us peaceless. Satan knows where there is no peace there is no victory.

In this session, we will talk about how Jesus has covered our sin and allows us to walk in freedom, unashamed of our past, regrets, and sin. The enemy prefers that we remain haunted by guilt when it comes to things in our life that displease God. This gives the enemy a stronghold and a place of authority in our lives. God’s peace is a gift of our salvation. It anchors us, keeps us no matter the circumstances around us, and protects us. It is not something found in money, degrees, great jobs, or successful marriages. You can not generate it by personal achievements.

Day 3 - July 25, 2023
Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation, and Sword of the Spirit (WITH PARENTS)

The word for faith in Ephesians 6 comes from the original word pistis. This same word is used in James 2:20 and it relates to faith in action. Christians today state they have faith, however, they have no connection to it. When Paul is speaking about the shield of faith, it is a call to actively exercise our faith.

Most Christians associate salvation with being rescued, a security for eternity. However, they are missing a huge portion of what that truth brings to us as Christians. Salvation is not only rescuing, it is freeing. Salvation does not just save us from hell, it allows us to live victoriously throughout our time here on earth. Salvation was not just meant to be received. It was meant to be applied.

The sword is unique in Pauls letter. It is the only offensive weapon mentioned in the armor. All other pieces are defensive. In order to tear down the strongholds in our lives and walk through this life victorious, we must be proactive and on the offensive. This is essential to the understanding that we are to be prepared for what we will encounter and have biblical answers at our ready to combat a worldly stance.