Set Free To Live Free


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Set Free To Live Free Sermon

CJ Biggs [High School Students & Young Adults Minister]

Sermon Points & Scripture References: 

• Sermon Takeaway = Set Free to Live Free

• Scripture Reference =  Galatians 4:8-20

• Sermon Point = Remember your Testimony

• Sermon Point = Stand on the Truth

• Sermon Point = To be Transformed

Sermon Discussion Questions

Main Idea: Paul’s heart was for the Galatians to live in the freedom that Christ bought them by remembering their testimony, standing on the truth, and being transformed into the image of Christ.

Scripture Reference = Galatians 4:8-20

Highlight: What did the passage/message say?

  1. How would you summarize the passage in your own words? 

  2. As you read the passage or listened to the message, were there any words, phrases, or themes that felt significant or impactful to you? If so, what were they, and why did they stand out?

Explain: What does the passage mean?

  1. Read Galatians 4:8-11. Why would the Galatians returning to their former way of life make Paul’s labor seemingly pointless?

  2. Read Galatians 4:12-15. How does the Galatians initial treatment for Paul invite us to treat those around us by whom we would normally be put off? 

  3. Read Galatians 4:16-20. How would you describe Paul’s relationship with and emotions toward the Galatians?

Apply: How does the passage change my life?

  1. What tempts us, like the Galatians, to return to the ways we lived before we knew Christ? What truths should we remember to keep that from happening?

  2. What people around you could you welcome into your life (even if it costs you) the same way the Galatians welcome Paul? What steps can you take to do that this week?

  3. Jesus is the one that saves us and makes us holy, but He also gives us rhythms and practices to see Himself formed in us. What can you do to see Christ formed in you? 

Respond: How do I respond to what God has said?

  • Praise God that He has made Himself known to you and freed you from your former way of life.

  • Confess any ways you may be turning back to the ways of the world.

  • Ask God for His grace to form Christ in you as you follow Him.


You can use the basic discussion outline seen above (H.E.A.R method) to aid in your Bible reading and comprehension. Learn more about the H.E.A.R method.

Book of Galatians Summary: A Complete Animated Overview