How Do We Stand


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How Do We Stand Sermon

Pat Hood [Lead Pastor]

Sermon Points & Scripture References: 

• Sermon Takeaway = How Do We Stand

• Scripture Reference: Esther 3

• Sermon Point: Do Good & Glorify God

• Sermon Point: Show Honor & Stand Holy

• Sermon Point: Trust God & Take Courage

Sermon Discussion Questions

Get to know me

The purpose of these questions is to generate responses that are self-revealing and informative. Feel free to ask all of these questions to your group or simply choose the one that best fits your group.

  1. How has your faith influenced your life this past week? How do you see this influence come to life in your actions or decisions? Can you think of a specific example where this influence was clearly visible?

  2. Can you share a moment this week when you felt particularly close to God? What were you doing at the time, and how did that moment make you feel? How has this feeling persisted or changed since that moment?

  3. What prayer has been on your heart recently, and why? How can the group help you in prayer concerning this matter?

  4. What's a recent challenge where you found strength in your faith? What resources or scriptures helped you navigate through this challenge? 

Into the Bible

The purpose of these questions is to draw group members into the Bible to discover the truth from passages that were not the primary text for the weekend message.

  1. Read Romans 12:14-17; Galatians 6:9-10. In both Galatians and Romans, Paul calls the church to do good to others. The church Paul addressed was embedded in a culture much like the one Esther and Mordecai were navigating. There were pagan governments, conflicting moral positions rubbing against their consciences, and cultural pressures surrounding them — in these environments, it can be easy to “do you” instead of “doing good”. What can cause us to “grow weary” as the Galatians cautions against? What do we need to avoid doing when we “bless and do not curse” as Romans states?

  2. Read Matthew 19:19; Romans 12:10; 1 Peter 2:17. Over and over we’re called to honor one another, to honor our parents, and to honor our leaders. And these texts were written in a culture where Christians were hated. So this isn’t an outdated practice that needs revision. But what does it look like to honor? At the ground level, honor means to esteem or treat someone with respect. It has a sense of recognizing value, price, or quality. What are examples of ways we can honor the people around us? In what ways can we honor people who we feel do not deserve our honor.


The purpose of these questions is to apply the main points from the weekend message.

  1. Sermon Point: Do Good & Glorify God. Mordecai blew the whistle and made known to the queen that a couple of eunuchs were plotting to kill the king. He tells her to tell the king and to make sure he knows who saved his life. The king investigated the tip, the plot was uncovered, and the men were hung. Although the king had committed terrible evil by pulling all the young women from their homes, Mordecai returned the favor with good. Read Philippians 4:8. How does this passage make you think about doing good, even when good is not taking place around you?

  2. Sermon Point: Show Honor & Be Holy. After saving the king’s neck, the passage we read says King Ahasuerus thanked him by noting the deed in his journal and promoting someone else to be his boss. The king elevated a man we’re told named Haman the Agagite. And as the man passed by, all the officials and servants of the king bowed to honor Haman. Mordecai refused to show honor and we don’t know why, but as we look at the text it presents a question: How should we live? How should we live in this culture today when we find ourselves in positions much like Mordecai? How can we be both respectful and non-compromising to God?

  3. Sermon Point: Trust God and Take Courage.Haman came up with a plan to eliminate his problem once and for all. He would annihilate the Jews from the Persian empire. But they needed a date and a decree from the king. He manipulated the power-hungry and prideful king, playing on his insatiable appetite for money and respect. And the king gave his signet ring turning over all power to carry out his plan. Letters were sent throughout the kingdom, and the city was thrown into panic and confusion. What are some of the things we do when uncertainty and change come into our lives? What does God tell us to do in times of uncertainty and trial (think of specific Scripture)?