Hurt & Hope


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Hurt & Hope Sermon

Pat Hood [Lead Pastor]

Sermon Points & Scripture References: 

• Sermon Takeaway = Hurt & Hope

• Scripture Reference: Esther 2:1–18

• Sermon Point: Sin is Atmospheric

• Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:15–16

• Sermon Point: God’s Grace is Stratospheric

• Sermon Point: God’s Providence is Cosmic

Sermon Discussion Questions

Get to know me

The purpose of these questions is to generate responses that are self-revealing and informative. Feel free to ask all of these questions to your group or simply choose the one that best fits your group.

  1. How has your faith influenced your life this past week? How do you see this influence come to life in your actions or decisions? Can you think of a specific example where this influence was clearly visible?

  2. Can you share a moment this week when you felt particularly close to God? What were you doing at the time, and how did that moment make you feel? How has this feeling persisted or changed since that moment?

  3. What prayer has been on your heart recently, and why? How can the group help you in prayer concerning this matter?

  4. What's a recent challenge where you found strength in your faith? What resources or scriptures helped you navigate through this challenge? 

Into the Bible

The purpose of these questions is to draw group members into the Bible to discover the truth from passages that were not the primary text for the weekend message.

  1. Read Matthew 5:15-16. Our salvation isn’t a trinket or award we sit on a shelf to look at when we walk by from time to time. Our life is to represent the undeserved gift we’ve been given through Christ. People should look at believers and want to have the same gifts themselves. How will the people around you know of your desire to follow and be like Jesus? What are some ways you can make Jesus known to others without hitting them with Bible verses they may not understand?


The purpose of these questions is to apply the main points from the weekend message.

  1. Read Ester 2:1-4. When King Ahasuerus returned from war, he was humbled and sulking in the agony of defeat with no queen at home to give him comfort. His actions before going to war are impacting him greatly now that he has returned. His sin continues to impact him and will soon impact many others. In what ways have you seen sin in your own life or others around you impact the lives of people who were not directly involved? What other stories from Scripture come to mind that show how sin impacts more than just the sinner(s)?

  2. Read Ester 2:5-14. This story reveals how atmospheric sin is but also how stratospheric God’s grace is.  God’s grace is so great, He can redeem all our bad decisions and sinful choices for our good and His glory. Esther was weak and compromising, but her sin didn’t disqualify her from later obedience and being used by God to save the entire Jewish people. God is sovereign and His hand reigns over every detail, including our sin and failures. What hope do you have in forgiven sin? Can you think of an example of God working in a situation that was challenging in order to show glory in the result He produced through it?

  3. Read Ester 2:15-18. The author of Esther has made it known that Mordecai was part of the exile from Jerusalem when Nebuchadnezzar carried away many Israelites to Babylon. At that time, the situation for Israel was bleak, but we know how it turned out. Now, things are going to become challenging for the Jews once more. But, if you know the story, God works to redeem His people again. How do you reconcile the idea of God's Providence with the troubles and conflicts you understand in the story of Esther? How would you explain the idea of God’s Providence to someone in simple terms?