The Price of Freedom

Stand Alone Message

Chad Williams – Guest Speaker

2 Kings 5; John 15:13

Week of April 7, 2019 My House Worship Guide

Day 1

Read: Philippians 4:4-9


  • Thank God that He gives us much to rejoice in and enjoy in life.

  • Thank God for His peace.

  • Ask God to help you and your family guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus by thinking about things that honor Him.

Sing: Living Hope - My House Worship Sessions

Day 2

Read: James 1:2-11


  • Thank God that He uses difficult circumstances in our lives to grow us to become more like Jesus.

  • Thank God that He is the giver of all wisdom for all circumstances.

  • Ask God to provide wisdom for the challenging things in your life and trust him to align your heart and mind to want what He gives.

Sing: Living Hope - My House Worship Sessions

Day 3

Read: James 1:12-18


  • Thank God for the way that he enables and blesses our faithfulness.

  • Thank God that He does not tempt us and in fact provides a way out of our temptation.

  • Ask God to remind you that every good gift is from Him and to help you remember that as you enjoy the good gifts that He gives.

Sing:Living Hope - My House Worship Sessions

April 7, 2019 Sermon Discussion Questions

1.  What about Chad Williams' message resonated with you?

2.  We have been talking at LifePoint lately about who you can invite to church and choosing at least one person in particular you are praying for to come to know the Lord.  Who is your one?

3.  Who are 3 people that don't typically go to church that you can invite to come celebrate Easter at LifePoint?