Special Needs Ministry
Connection Crew
Our goal is to remove any special needs barriers that may be keeping a family from attending church and to connect together while offering a ministry for special needs families that makes each member feel welcomed.
“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”
Smyrna Campus – during the 10:30am service
Stewarts Creek Campus – during the 9:00am service
At the Smyrna campus, Connection Crew serves all ages.
Preschoolers (Birth–Pre K) are fully integrated and provided a one-on-one buddy. Quiet spaces are utilized when needed.
Kids Ministry (K–5th Grade) includes full inclusion, when appropriate, with a buddy. We also have a children’s sensory room available.
Middle Schoolers (6th–8th Grade) have the option of being fully integrated into a Bible study group with a support volunteer. Others may have a small group of peers join them for an allotted time in a quiet classroom.
High Schoolers and Adults* (9th Grade & older) are served in the main auditorium with a support volunteer. Other options are available if necessary.
*When walking into the Smyrna Campus Auditorium you will find reserved seating for special needs families to the far left on the main floor with easy access to an exit.
We offer individualized special needs support for Wednesday night programs at the Smyrna campus. Full inclusion using a peer and adult buddy system is offered along with a sensory room option and quiet classroom spaces.
Smyrna Campus Programming Times
Preschool (Birth–Pre K) 6:30–8:00pm
Kids (K–5th Grade) 6:30–8:00pm
Middle School (6th–8th Grade) 6:30–8:00pm
High School (9th–12th Grade)* 7:15–8:45pm
* If you have a high schooler needing support, we can serve your student from 6:30–8:00pm if that is better for your family.
rEcess is a special needs respite night for families.
Our church has partnered with 99 Balloons to host rEcess. 99Balloons is an organization that seeks to change the story of disability, and we are excited to do just that within our church and community.
rEcess is for parents. We know your life is full of unique joys and challenges. rEcess is an opportunity for you to rest and reconnect with a significant other, have some “me” time, or finish grocery shopping in under 3 hours. It is yours to use however you like with the knowledge that your children are being well cared for and are safe.
rEcess is for children experiencing disability. We have one core objective. FUN! No therapy, no doctors or paid caregivers. Children experiencing disability are paired one-on-one with a volunteer whose sole objective is to make rEcess the best night of their week.
rEcess is for siblings. Siblings are often forgotten on the spectrum of family care - not at rEcess. rEcess is a break for our siblings to have lots of fun and connect with other siblings who understand what it is like to have a brother or sister experiencing disability. We have dedicated sibling volunteers and programming just for rEcess sibs.
Families connecting together so every person, every family, everyone will hear of the love of Jesus.
Connection Crew is available at:
Smyrna Campus: 10:30am only
Stewarts Creek Campus: 9:00am only
If you have any questions, please contact:
Smyrna Campus: Abby Taylor
Stewarts Creek Campus: Cathy Ropp