Resolved to Grow
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Resolved to Grow
Matt Stout [College Grove Campus Pastor]
Sermon Points & Scripture References:
Sermon Takeaway = Resolved to Grow
Scripture Reference = John 15:1-17
• Sermon Point = Growing is Abiding
• Sermon Point = Growing is Becoming
• Sermon Point = Growing is Doing
Sermon Discussion Questions
Read: John 15:1–17
This morning, Matt preached about Growing. At LifePoint, our desire for you is God’s desire for you — NOT just that you would come to know Christ, but that you would grow to look like Him. This is one of our RESOLVES as a church! That we would relentlessly give ourselves to growing.
Matt shared that growing is abiding, growing is becoming, and growing is following.
As you read the passage or listened to the message, were there any words, phrases, or themes that felt significant or impactful to you? If so, what were they, and why did they stand out.
How does John 15 give us a guide for growth in our spiritual lives?
How would you describe your relationship with Scripture? Would you say you ABIDE?
What does it mean to be “resolved” to do something?
What would it look like to be “resolved to grow” in the year ahead for your family?
How could you RESOLVE to ABIDE, BECOME, AND FOLLOW Jesus this year?
Respond: How do I respond to what God has said?
Confess any sin this passage reveals in your life.
Praise God for the truths He has made known in this passage.
Ask God to help you walk in holiness and obedience in response to this passage.