Set Free by The Cross


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Set Free by The Cross Sermon

Pat Hood [Lead Pastor]

Sermon Points & Scripture References: 

• Sermon Takeaway = Set Free by The Cross

• Scripture Reference = Galatians 3:1–22

• Sermon Point = Covenant

• Scripture Reference = Galatians 3:1–9

• Sermon Point = Curse

• Scripture Reference = Galatians 3:10–14

• Sermon Point = Cross

• Scripture Reference = Galatians 3:15–22

Sermon Discussion Questions

Main Idea: We experience the fulfillment of God’s covenant when we are set free from the curse of sin by the cross of Christ.
Scripture Reference = Galatians 3:1-22

Highlight: What did the passage/message say?

  1. How would you summarize the passage in your own words? 

  2. As you read the passage or listened to the message, were there any words, phrases, or themes that felt significant or impactful to you? If so, what were they, and why did they stand out?

Explain: What does the passage mean?

  1. Read Galatians 3:1-9. What did God promise Abraham (see Genesis 12-17)? Why did God command Abraham to be circumcised? What does that tell us about the order of faith and works in our lives?

  2. Read Galatians 3:10-14. Why did God give the law if He knew that no one could keep it?

  3. Read Galatians 3:15-22. What did Christ do to redeem us from the law? How does He relate to the Abrahamic covenant and Mosaic law?

Apply: How does the passage change my life?

  1. What happens when we believe that we’re justified by works? What can we do to correct this belief?

  2. If we are set free by faith in Christ, how should we engage with people who are under the law?

Respond: How do I respond to what God has said?

  • Praise God for sending Christ to redeem us from the curse of the law.

  • Ask God to give you boldness to carry the message of Christ’s redemption to those around you under the curse.


You can use the basic discussion outline seen above (H.E.A.R method) to aid in your Bible reading and comprehension. Learn more about the H.E.A.R method.

Book of Galatians Summary: A Complete Animated Overview