The Secret of the Kingdom Sermon


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The Secret of the Kingdom

Kyle Goen [Riverdale Campus Pastor]

Scripture References & Sermon Points

• Scripture Reference: Matthew 13:44-46

• Sermon Point 1 = What is the treasure?

• Sermon Point 2 = What is it worth?

Sermon Discussion Questions

Get to know me

The purpose of these questions is to generate responses that are self-revealing and informative. Feel free to ask all of these questions to your group or simply choose the one that best fits your group.

  1. Think of a time in your life when you had to give something up to get something better. What did you give up and what did you get? Why did you make this sacrifice?

Into the Bible

The purpose of these questions is to draw group members into the Bible to discover the truth from passages that were not the primary text for the weekend message.

  1. Read Genesis 22:1-14. When God called Abraham to sacrifice Isaac we don't see a response from Abraham, just obedience to go. This didn't mean Abraham wasn't troubled, but he trusted the Lord. God knew the outcome, Abraham didn't. How does not knowing what God has in store for you affect your obedience to Him? Has God called you to something in the past but you ignored the call? Is He calling you to something now?

  2. Read John 10:7-18. When Jesus says to the disciples, “I am the Good Shepherd”, they understand better than we do the relationship of the shepherd to the sheep. There is sacrifice involved. Jesus says in these passages that no one would be taking His life but it's He who would be making the sacrifice for those who are His. How would you describe Jesus's sacrifice on the cross to someone to tell them why He did it and what impact it has made on you?


The purpose of these questions is to apply the main points from the weekend message.

  1. Read Matthew 13:44. When we hear the word treasure, our mind goes to shipwrecks or adventure movies. Treasure as it is used here refers to something precious. What are things in your life you consider precious? Have you ever thought of eternal salvation to be considered precious? Why should we think of eternal salvation as precious and how should we treat it?

  2. Read Matthew 13:45-46. There is a subtle difference in these two parables. The treasure in the previous is found whereas the pearl is sought after. The outcome, though, is the same - selling everything to get the most valuable thing ever. (Think of Paul's statement in Philippians 3:8.) Jesus didn't ask everyone to get rid of all their possessions to have salvation. Salvation is a free gift of God (Romans 6:23). But to follow Him requires obedience to Him, meaning some things in life have to be left behind and new things should be learned. As a believer, what are you still holding on to that is of less value than what Jesus has already given you? Are there disciplines you could grow in your life which will help you follow Christ closer? What are they? How can you do them? Who can help you?