Trust Jesus Fear Nothing

Joy Thieves - Week 4

David McCaman [Riverdale Campus Pastor]

Philippians 1:19–30

Week of September 1, 2019 My House Worship Guide

Day 1 

Read: Philippians 4:1-7


  • Thank God for how he has given us others in our lives to faithfully live and serve alongside.

  • Thank God for the peace he gives us through His presence.

  • Ask God to ease any anxiety that you feel by guarding your heart and mind in Christ.

Sing: One Thing - My House Worship Sessions 

Day 2 

Read: Philippians 4:8-9


  • Thank God that He is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise.

  • Thank God for the models of faith that He has put in your life.

  • Ask God to help you guard your thoughts by filling your mind with good and true things.

Sing: One Thing - My House Worship Sessions 

Day 3 

Read: Philippians 5:10-20


  • Thank God that He always provides what we need in every season and circumstance.

  • Ask God to give you joy and contentment.

  • Ask God to continue faithfully supplying your every need.

Sing: One Thing - My House Worship Sessions

Week of September 1, 2019 Discussion Questions

Get to know me:

Instructions: The purpose of these questions is to generate responses that are self-revealing and informative. Feel free to ask all of these questions to your group or simply choose the one that best fits your group.

  1. How long have you been going to LifePoint? How did you first hear about it?  

  2. What about LifePoint keeps you coming back?

  3. Share a recent positive and/or a recent negative story from the news?

Into the Bible:

Instructions: The purpose of these questions is to draw group members into the Bible to discover truth from passages that were not the primary text for the weekend message.

Read about abiding in Christ in John 15:1-5

  1. What do these verses say about where our primary focus should always be?  

  2. Discuss the fruit that John is referring to that we can or cannot do?

  3. How might a life focused on abiding in Christ reduce worry? 


Instructions: The purpose of these questions is to apply the main points from the weekend message.

  1. What is the one thing you fear the most?

  2. Does this fear have the power to change how you will spend eternity?

  3. How can your Life group work together to help make trusting Christ for life a priority instead of worrying about temporary things?