1 in 1 | What is TikTok?

Use this resource to help your student be more aware of what he/she is seeing on social media!

Video Transcript:

7 in 10 american teenagers have TikTok downloaded on their phones, and there’s a good possibility your kid has it.

So what is it? It’s a social media app that allows users to create and share short videos with the world.

These videos range from things from cars to shoes, to lipsyncs and new dances (you know what I’m talking about—where the kids set their phones up and dance)

One of the draws to TikTok is the challenges that are posted as hashtags and shared on the app.

One of the biggest things going is monthly TicTok trends, where kids look up what to do, then post them doing it.

And kids get sucked in with the thought of fame if they do them. 

September’s challenge was to vandalize school bathrooms.

October’s challenge was to smack a staff member at their schools.

November’s challenge is to kiss your friend's girlfriend at school

And I can’t even say December’s challenge because it’s so vulgar.

So…why do teenagers do these things? Students are craving social validation and lack the critical thinking skills or developmental maturity to judge risk,

I mention these things so that you as a parent can be informed. Ask your kids about these challenges. Have regular conversations about what they are seeing online. 

At the end of the day, ask if the things they are seeing, or even participating in, are edifying to the Kingdom of God. One verse to use is Philippians 4:8.
Be informed and be in the know.