1 in 1 | Teaching your Teenager to Read Their Bible

Do you have trouble teaching your student to read their Bible? We as a student ministry are here to help! Starting in January, we’ll be using a new Bible reading plan with a new way of reading the Bible – the HEAR method! Watch this week’s 1-in-1 to learn more about this new method. Hopefully, this will equip you to teach your students how to listen to God as they read their Bibles consistently, and maybe you can learn something from this, too!

“The Scripture is both a glass to show your spots, and a laver to wash them away.
— Thomas Watson

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We all know that it can be difficult to read the Bible consistently, especially if we don’t have a plan. So, when we talk about teaching our teenagers how to read the Word, it’s easy to feel unqualified or unequipped.

But, starting in January, we’re going to be using a new resource called the HEAR method that will help you teach your student how to encounter God and listen to what He says through their Bible reading.

So, what does HEAR stand for?

The H stands for HIGHLIGHT, which is pretty self-explanatory. If you see a part of the passage that sticks out to you, circle, underline, or highlight it!

The E stands for EXPLAIN. During this portion, you’ll summarize the passage and write what the author meant when he wrote it.

The A stands for APPLY, which is where you’ll apply this passage to your own life and answer the question, “How does this change the way I think, talk, or act?”

The R stands for RESPOND. The last bit of your time should be spent in prayer as you reflect, repent, and respond based on what you’ve read. 

So, as we prepare for the new year, become familiar with the HEAR method so that you can help your student effectively and consistently read the Bible. Maybe, you’ll even find it useful for your own quiet times, too.