He Is
We will journey through Jesus’ seven “I Am” statements, aiming to illuminate the depths of His character and purpose, in hopes of fostering a deeper reliance on Christ in our lives as we align with the truth of who He Is.

More Than
Our world has taken the great things God designed and attempted to make them lesser than God’s design. This series will focus on how friendship can be more; it can be family, how marriage is more than a contract it is a covenant, how it is more than sex it is intimacy, and how our children are more than heirs they are arrows. If we learn to reflect Christ in our lives (and these ways) we will see there is MORE THAN what we could have ever imagined.

Integrity 101
Exploring the principles of living with integrity and drawing insights from Psalm 101, this series will guide us back to the basics of guarding our hearts and eyes from worthless things and instead to walk with integrity.

At LifePoint, we desire to see people Find Life in Jesus Christ and Live Sent with His gospel. During this series we will dive into the 4 ways we believe these need to happen in our lives; by Gathering, Growing, Giving, and Going.

War Cry
We are at war during the Christmas season of Christmas; against stress, depression, anxiety, materialism, consumerism, evil, death, and sin. As a church family, we are raising a banner to remember what Christ has done at Christmas.

Set Free
Looking at the Book of Galatians, instead of enjoying the freedom found in a relationship with Jesus & worshiping in light of his gospel, Paul calls out how the churches in Galatian were turning to a distorted & twisted version of the gospel… which was in fact not the gospel at all.

For Such A Time As This
Although the book of Esther has no mention of God… His presence is seen throughout it all. Through the narrative of a Jewish girl and her adoptive father’s unlikely rise to power— you see the Lord’s hidden hand move to preserve His people and honor His promise.

Come & See
Looking at the stories of Jesus found in the Gospels, we invite you to “Come and see” just as Philip invited Nathanael with the same phrase. Come and see what Jesus has done, is doing, and will do. Once you see we will encourage you to go and tell.

Covering the first 3 chapters of Genesis, we are going to look at our beginning/origin. These three chapters are the most important in the Bible because they answer all the philosophical and existential questions we wrestle with. Questions like… who are we, where did we come from, why are we here, what is wrong, and how do we fix it?

Bold in Babylon
This is not our home. We are in exile. Citizens of Heaven in a world held hostage to lies of the enemy. We will dive into Daniel and see how Babylon is similar to the state of our world, and then learn how to live in this world with boldness.

Find Life. Live Sent.
At LifePoint, we desire to see people Find Life in Jesus Christ and Live Sent with His gospel. During this series we will dive into the 4 ways we believe these need to happen in our lives; by Gathering, Growing, Giving, and Going.

By Faith
In Hebrews 11, we find what is often referred to as the “Hall of Faith.” We will look closely at each of the heroes of our faith and discover how everything they did was By Faith in their creator.

Kingdom Secrets
In Matthew 13, Jesus’ disciples ask, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven…” We are going to look at some parables during this series to better understand the Kingdom Secrets.

Ruth (Love & Loyalty)
The book of Ruth shows how God’s people can experience his sovereignty, wisdom, and covenant kindness. On display throughout the book is God’s love & loyalty.

The book of Jonah is far more about a big God than a big fish. It’s about a God whose heart beats for the nations, a God who radically pursues the lost, and a God who graciously invites us to join Him on mission. Our prayer in this series is that we would see a relentless God & become a relentless church on a relentless mission.

Go Tell It On The Mountain
Throughout the season of Advent, we will explore the reality that the message of Christmas is a message to be multiplied. As we reflect on the significance of the birth of Christ, we will see that this news is meant to be shared. At the heart of Christmas is the call to go.

Jesus Over Everying
The only thing that keeps us sane in our crazy world is knowing that Jesus is greater than our fears, sickness, politics, inflation, recession, culture wars…He’s over everything.

The Way (Matthew 6&7)
The greatest sermon ever is found in Matthew 5–7. Most know it as the Sermon on the Mount. During this series, we look at chapter 6&7 and learn how his way is greater because his way is THE WAY.

Strength & Courage
In Joshua, God had given Israel the promised land, but they had the responsibility to take it, being equipped with strength and courage that could only be found in God. We need the same strength and courage today.

Never has a single moment been filled with such grace and disruption. When Jesus climbed atop the mountain of mercy to conquer death he changed everything. He gave us life. That grace is permanent and it’s why we celebrate Him.

We must go back and look at how the 1st Century Church thrived in a hostile world because their DNA was marked by Christ.

The Reigning King vol 2
A series through the book of Revelation which is primarily about Jesus’ ultimate triumph and how He’s the Reigning King.

The Way
The greatest sermon ever is found in Matthew 5–7. Most know it as the Sermon on the Mount. During this series, we look at chapter 5 and learn how his way is greater because his way is THE WAY.

The Reigning King
A series through the book of Revelation which is primarily about Jesus’ ultimate triumph and how He’s the Reigning King.

One Day
ONE DAY He will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things will have passed away.

Just like Instagram has fake accounts, churches have fake Christians. 1 John helps us learn if we are true believers and verified in Christ.

Psalms: Songs for Life
Truly timeless songs to help you Find Life and an abundant life in these unique times we are living.

This Changes Everything
The gospel reminds us that nothing from our old self should be the same. As we look at our lives we have to be reminded that the Gospel changes everything. Join as we look at a couple tangible reminders of how This Changes Everything.

He Still Holds It All
It’s easy to say and sing, “God Holds It All” when all is well, but what happens when a pandemic comes bringing a physical and financial crisis? We are going to look at some biblical characters who faced affliction in times not unlike the moment we are in today, and how they trusted in the one who STILL holds it all.

His House
In 1 Timothy, Paul is writing so we know how to behave in the household of God, which is the church. The church, God’s people, should be changed by the gospel and lead us to practical, visible change in our lives. We are His House.

Revelation 2–3 consists of seven letters to seven different churches. We will look at one letter each week to hear what Jesus is calling these churches to do.

Christmas Through LifePoint
Instead of having an event where people come and watch what is happening we are going to mobilize you, LifePoint.

we are
What does the Church really stand for? Who are we as a group of people? This series aims to give better answers to who WE ARE.

Fight for the Gospel. Fight for the Gospel in your home. Fight for the Gospel in your city. Fight for the Gospel in the nations.
Stop Sitting. Start Fighting.
“Whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” - James 4:17

Joy Thieves
There are many things in life that can steal our joy. Join us as we journey through Philippians and learn how to have joy in the midst of where we find ourselves.

12 Habits for Holiness
Scripture calls us to discipline ourselves with spiritual habits. The goal, however, is not self-help. The goal is God, godliness, the gospel, and holiness. This is why Paul says, train yourself for godliness. Godliness is the end.

It Takes A Church
God has clearly commanded us to do what it takes to pass on the faith to the next generation. Parents are the primary discipler, but the church also has a huge responsibility. The church can never replace the role of family but the family can’t do it well without the church. It Takes a Church.

My House Vol. 2
Making much of Christ in your marriage, with your kids, friendships/relationships, and yourself begins at home. Join us as we learn how to make much of Christ in our homes.

Advent 2018
If you are tired of Christmas before Christmas actually gets here, then quite possibly you have never celebrated Advent. What is Advent? Advent is not decorating, shopping, wrapping, pictures, partying, stressing or the receiving of gifts. Advent is waiting, expecting, observing, praying, hoping, preparing for the arrival of Christ - first as the Child and Savior and then as the returning King.

Life Hacks
When the world talks about life hacks they are usually helpful tips to make life easier. Something clever like using toothpaste to clear hazy headlights or using a carabiner to help carry in all your groceries in one trip. When we look at scripture, and we are specifically looking at Proverbs during this series, we discover helpful tips of wisdom that when applied to our life, make massive, life-altering changes with God’s glory as the outcome. Learn wise principles for life.