Week of September 22, 2019 My House Worship Guide

Day 1

Read: James 1:19-27


  • Ask God to help you be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger as you consider the needs of our community.

  • Ask God to help you be a doer of the word and not just a hearer.

  • Ask God to help you live out a true religion, faithfully caring for the needs around you and fighting for holiness in your own life.

Sing: Reckless Love - My House Worship Sessions

Day 2

Read: Psalm 34:15-22


  • Thank God that He is always very aware of what is happening in our world, our nation, our city, and even our own lives. 

  • Thank God that He is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

  • Ask God to help you point those around you to the refuge that is only found in Him.

Sing: Reckless Love - My House Worship Sessions

Day 3

Read: Isaiah 37:30-38


  • Thank God that He keeps His words and does what He says He will do.

  • Thank God that He will defend His people.

  • Ask God to help make you a defender of your city and one who fights for people to Find Life in our community and around the world.

Sing: Reckless Love - My House Worship Sessions

LifePoint Church