The Bad Samaritan
Stand Alone Message
Cam Triggs [Guest Speaker and Lead Pastor at Grace Alive in Orlando, FL]
John 4
Sermon Discussion Questions – Week of May 24, 2020
Get to know me:
Instructions: The purpose of these questions is to generate responses that are self-revealing and informative. Feel free to ask all of these questions to your group or simply choose the one that best fits your group.
If you were a Big Star, what would be in your “Rider Clause”?
The old saying goes, “The Devil’s in the details”...why are details so important?
When interpreting God’s Word, how do you dig for the details? What are your favorite Bible Study Tools?
Into the Bible: Instructions: The purpose of these questions is to draw group members into the Bible to discover truth from passages that were not the primary text for the weekend message.
Read Math 28: 19-20
Flesh out the details here. What are we to do, where, & for whom?
Why would God use highly flawed sinners like us for such a Blessed Work?
What keeps the average Cultural Christian from fulfilling this Commission?
Application: Instructions: The purpose of these questions is to apply the main points from the weekend message.
Why do you think God uses the Bible like a mirror, showing us our sins through other peoples recorded examples?
How could you share your sins, and ultimately God’s victory over them, as a witness to bring the Gospel to people in spiritual need?
How and where will you find the courage to do so?
Exercise: Break into groups of 2, and take turns praying for each other. Ask for God’s forgiveness of your sins, and His Courage to be willing to share the details of how His amazing grace has saved you. Specifically ask the Lord to bring 1 person into your life this week that you can share your story with.