Room in the Inn 

Room in the Inn offers hospitality and hope to guests who would otherwise find themselves on the streets. They provide shelter, meals, clothing, and toiletries to homeless men during the winter months (November–March).

To get involved or for more information, please Register to Serve below.


On-Going Service Opportunities

Provide Food | Donate Clothing | Friday Nights November-March | Smyrna, TN

Room in the Inn provides shelter, meals, clothing, toiletries and haircuts to homeless men during the winter months (November–March). Small groups or individuals can serve by signing up to provide dinner, breakfast or lunch on Fridays from November through March. You can also donate mens clothing and toiletries to the ministry. Drop off in the LifePoint Church office Monday-Thursday from 8am-4pm.

Great project to serve with your family, small group or individually.