Operation Saving Life - operationsavinglife.org

Working together to Save Life. Operation Saving Life is a passionate group of people who are showing the love of Jesus Christ by meeting the immediate needs of those who have faced abortion and chosen life. They share the good news of Jesus Christ with mothers by giving them hope for a better tomorrow.

Our Mission:

With the ultimate goal of showing the love of Jesus Christ and ending abortion, we offer practical support to meet the financial, spiritual, and relational needs of those who have considered abortion and have chosen life.

When an abortion-minded mom feels hopeless by her circumstances, we offer practical support to move her from in-crisis to empowered.


On-Going Service Opportunities

Office Volunteer- Nashville location

We have many ways to serve in our office! As moms are meeting with OSL staff, having an office volunteer that can entertain kids in the kids’ room is extremely helpful.  Office volunteers will also sort donations, assist with administrative tasks and more.  Office volunteer hours are Tuesday/Thursday from 10am – 2pm.

Storage Unit Volunteer- Murfreesboro

If you love organization, becoming a storage unit volunteer will be a great fit. You can help sort diapers, clothes, and other commonly used baby items.  

Social Media Ambassador- Virtual

As a Social Media Ambassador, you will play a critical role in sharing Operation Saving Life content on your personal social media page. This ensures more people are made aware of the mission of OSL.

Baby Showers & Events- Murfreesboro/Nashville

We love to give each of our expectant moms a baby shower. Our baby showers are simple, easy ways to show love, to provide basic needs for the baby, and to celebrate the choice the mom has made to let her child live.

We host various events throughout the year that requires volunteers. Become an Event Team Member to help with our baby showers and future events. 

Creative Service - Murfreesboro/Nashville

If you have special skills, giftings, or have an occupation that could serve with OSL that doesn't fit in any other categories, become a Creative Service volunteer.  We would love to hear your creative ideas on how you could best serve our ministry.

Area of need: medical, dental, ultrasound, childcare, housing, transportation, food, job placement, financial literacy, counseling, legal, foreign language and more.

Donations - Virtual

Financial supporters are critical to our mission as they provide the tangible resources used to meet the needs of moms.

On average, we spend $1,200 a month for each mom who is in crisis mode. Please help us empower a mom and her family to succeed. Donate online or mail checks to PO Box 472, Arrington, TN 37014.