The mission Jesus gave us is to be disciples that make, baptize, and teach disciples. What if you don't feel ready for this mission? How do you get ready to serve? We will always be on mission and preparing for the mission at the same time.
We have been given God's word to tell us who He is, why He came in the flesh, how He provided for salvation, and what we should do until He returns. This mission has the same WHY for us all but the HOW will look different because we are uniquely gifted. Let's discover your gifts!
Your mission from January thru June is to focus on discovering - discovering more of God's word, new things, how we can impact others, and overcoming obstacles in our lives.
This discovery will be guided but you will be the one to provide the details for how you will grow in this season. We will use LEGO as our guide, like we do for our Engage values. The guides for your plans are Learn, Enjoy, Give, and Overcome.
Think about this - the first disciples of Jesus didn't know what they could accomplish until they spent time with Him and put themselves out there.