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Set Free to Live

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Set Free to Live Pat Hood

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Set Free to Live Sermon

Pat Hood [Lead Pastor]

Sermon Points & Scripture References: 

• Sermon Takeaway = Set Free to Live

• Scripture Reference = Galatians 2:15–21

• Sermon Point = Set Free by Faith in Christ

• Sermon Point = Set Free to Live for Christ

Sermon Discussion Questions

Main Idea: When we are justified by faith in Jesus, we are united to Christ and set free to live for His glory.
Scripture Reference = Galatians 2:15–21

Highlight: What did the passage/message say?

  1. How would you summarize the passage in your own words? 

  2. As you read the passage or listened to the message, were there any words, phrases, or themes that felt significant or impactful to you? If so, what were they, and why did they stand out?

Explain: What does the passage mean?

  1. Read Galatians 2:15-16. What does it mean that we are justified through faith in Jesus Christ? What is justification? Why can't works of the law justify us?

  2. Read Galatians 2:17-19. Why is it important to know that our justification by faith doesn’t mean Jesus serves sin and is okay with us living in sin? How should being justified change how we live and what we live for?

  3. Read Galatians 2:20-21. Why does Paul say that Jesus loved and gave Himself for “me,” and not “us?” What does this mean for each of us?

Apply: How does the passage change my life?

  1. Where in your heart does the doctrine of justification by faith alone challenge how you think about your relationship with God? 

  2. When we’re justified by Christ, we are free to live for Christ. What’s something you can do this week to live for Christ?

Respond: How do I respond to what God has said?

  • Confess where you have believed, in mind or in deed, that your position before God depends on how you live instead of what Christ has done.

  • Praise God that He has chosen, in His great wisdom, to make us righteous by faith in Christ and not by anything we’ve done!

  • Ask God to help you be obedient and live for Christ this week.


You can use the basic discussion outline seen above (H.E.A.R method) to aid in your Bible reading and comprehension. Learn more about the H.E.A.R method.

Book of Galatians Summary: A Complete Animated Overview

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