LifePoint Church

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Cultivating a Truth-Focused Mindset

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:8–9)

Reflect on The Word

Jesus spoke a lot about farming. You may be thinking, “Wait, what? I don't remember learning nothing about corn and cows.” One of the ways Jesus taught was by relating the things of the kingdom of God to what could be seen and done on earth. In the first century, many made their living by making things, catching things, or growing things. Jesus made His words relatable, simplifying them so they plant in His hearer’s minds where He will cultivate them and grow His people.

When you hear discipleship, what comes to mind? I believe our minds go to programs or groups in the church that help us learn. This isn't wrong; these are ways we grow as disciples. Our discipleship is ultimately living out the teaching of God in our daily lives where we grow to be more like Jesus. It is a process that begins at our salvation and completes when we stand before Jesus (Philippians 1:6). We call this sanctification, but we can think of this as Jesus tending His garden, watering and pruning to produce a bumper crop of nourishing believers.

Paul's letter to the church in Philippi is a favorite of mine. The church was a big supporter of Paul's ministry, financially and spiritually. He had great affection for them. Philippians is a love letter, a message of thanks and encouragement to them. Think of it as a way Christ shines the light of the sun on the soul of His disciples to enrich them, giving them, which is you and I, needed food for life. Not soda and candy, but vitamins and proteins.

In Philippians 4:8-9, Paul is beginning to close out his letter by helping them focus their minds and their efforts on good things, things that move from mind to heart so we live in ways that glorify God. When he tells them to think about whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy, he's not saying to simply be optimistic. He's telling them to reflect on God's supreme word, which is the ultimate truth, and live those out in confidence and without worry.

As we encounter the world in our day, the Word of God serves us as a filter and a source of nutrients. When we hear or see things that cause us pause or frustration, remember that we have tasted what is good and can distinguish it from sweet but unhealthy words or bitter and tasteless ways. Living in ways that glorify God aren’t difficult on their own, just more challenging because of sin that influences the things around us. Rest in the fact that Jesus is on His throne and that what He has in store will take place. Truth, honor, justice, purity, loveliness, commendation, excellence, and praiseworthiness will have its ultimate day; until then, we should live out and be these things in the world.

Counsel: How can I be helped by the Word?

  • Think about what's true and honorable: When God says something is true, it is eternally true. An ultimate statement He personally gave was that He is truth (John 14:6). What is at least one way God has worked in your life to draw you to Him? 

  • Think about what's lovely and excellent: What is obvious to you that the Lord has provided that is lovely or excellent? What are the lovely and excellent things in your life you tend to overlook but need to bring into focus?

Discipleship: How can I grow from the Word?

  • Transform Your Mind: Think about whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy in your life this week. 

  • Practice What You Learn: Tell the people around you that fit these “whatever” words how they impact your life and thank them.

Encouragement: How can the word motivate me?

You can have a mindset of the good things of God because you have the Holy Spirit of God in you. The things of the world want to capture your attention and cloud what you believe. Understand that transformation is a continual process. Celebrate the progress you make and trust in God’s ongoing work in your life (Philippians 1:6). If Jesus is your salvation, He is also the carpenter renovating you from top to bottom in His likeness. Hang tight!


Lord Jesus, thank You for guiding my thoughts through Your Word. Help me to focus on what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy. Transform my mind and fill me with Your peace as I meditate on Your goodness. Empower me to put into practice what I have learned, so that my life may bring glory to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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